Sunday, July 29, 2012


On 17th May, 2012 an appeal was made to inform the name of the employees whose retirement benefits are yet to be paid. But no one has taken initiative for the same.  As you are very well aware that the employees posted in field offices of Central Water Commission are facing problems in getting their retirement benefits in time. We had submitted an agenda item for timely payment of the retirement benefits of the employees. The item is likely to be discussed in the 36th meeting of Departmental Council (MOWR) decided to be held on 08-08-2012.

It is therefore further requested that the list of the employees (any cadre), who have been retired from Government Service, but their retirement benefits are yet to be paid by the PAO, CWC, may please be sent to the Association through email- ( (01292412957) on or before 07-08-2012.


36th meeting of Departmental Council (JCM) of MOWR is decided to be held on 8th August 2012 at 11.00 A.M. under the chairmanship of Secretary (WR) in the Conference Room of Ministry of Labour, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi. Following items related to the cadre of Junior Engineers and common in nature are likely to be discussed-

31.2   Abolition of Junior Engineers' posts in Central Water Commission adversely affecting the field set up.

32.3   Demand to amend the promotion hierarchy of Group 'B' Engineering cadre directly into "Senior Time Scale" like the system followed in CPWD.

33.1   Time frame to settle the pension payment and other retirement dues of the field staff.

33.2   Demand to maintain GPF account on Website and to take appropriate  action on missing credits.

34.2   Retiral Payments to retirees outside Delhi.

35.1   New Pension Scheme.

S.No. 1 - Demand to set up Combined Cadre Review for "Junior Engineers & Group- B Engineers" of Central Water Commission along with Group-A Engineering Cadre.

S. No. 2 - Demand to enhance promotional avenues of JEs & Group- B Engineers & invite the Associations for their views in the Restructuring of CWC.


The joint Committee set up by the National Anomaly Committee to consider the MACP related issues met on 27th July, 2012. The gist of the discussions as informed by the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers is placed as under-

Grant of MACP in the promotional hierarchy: 

The Staff Side pointed out that the ACP which was in vogue till the advent of MACP had been on promotional hierarchy. In the name of improvement of the scheme, the Government cannot unilaterally change it, especially when the concerned employees do not consider it as advantageous. They suggested that the employees must be allowed to retain the ACP for the first two promotions and for the third promotion MACP can be extended. However, the Official Side said that it would not be possible to have any hybrid scheme. In fact, they added that the 6th CPC had suggested for two career progressions only and that too on grade pay hierarchy. The govt. had improved upon and therefore it was not possible for them to agree for the suggestion of the Staff Side. They also stated that the reason for bringing about grade pay hierarchy was to bring about uniformity in the scheme across the Departments as the promotional hierarchy varies from one department to another. They declined to consider the suggestion for promotional hierarchy based MACP.

The Staff Side then pointed that in the last meeting of the Committee, the Official Side taking into account the difficulties and disadvantages experienced by the employees in many departments which were presented by the Staff Side had agreed to consider department wise/cadre wise options. The Staff Side further pointed out that the suggestion of the Official Side would not go to resolve the issue. They said that option must be provide for each individual employee to choose either the ACP or MACP whichever is beneficial to him as is provided in the CCS(RP) Rules. The unilateral withdrawal of a benefit from an employee is not permissible. They also stated that the Official Side has not pointed out the difficulties in agreeing to this proposal. After some discussions, the Official Side said that they would re-examine the issue of individual option and will come up with their considered view at the next meeting of the NAC.

Counting 50% of service of the Temporary status/casual labourers for the purpose of MACP: 

 In the light of the discussion at the meeting, the Official Side agreed to examine the matter.

Treatment of employees selected under LDCE Scheme and GDCE Scheme: 

The Official Side agreed to issue orders on the same lines as has been issued under the ACP Scheme. The Staff Side stated that wherever examination is the criterion for promotion/fast track promotion, the service rendered by such employees in the lower post must be ignored and such promotion should be treated as appointment and the promotion scheme to commence from the date of such appointment. This was not agreed to by the official side on the plea that such appointments are against promotion quota and therefore, they are to be considered as promotion only. The Staff Side them pointed out that this issue had been the subject matter of judicial consideration before the Tribunal and the Tribunal has given the decision in favour of the employees. The Official Side wanted a copy of the judgment to react to this.

Date of effect of the Scheme: 

The Staff Side pointed out that the date of effect of MACP Scheme must be from 1.1.2006. The analogy of the 5th CPC has no application as ACP was introduced after discussion with the Staff Side on a later date. Since the Government issued the orders of the 6th CPC and the acceptance of the MACP with modification almost simultaneously, it should have been made effective from 1.1.2006. They also pointed out that the MACP is not an allowance to be made application from 1.9.2008. The Official Side pointed out that the benefit emanating from the MACP i.e. the third promotion was applicable to all existing employees who were in service after 1.9.2008. The Staff Side demanded that the benefit has been denied to those who retired between 1.1.2006 and 30.8.2008. The Official Side agreed to consider application of the new MACP with effect from 1.1.2006 for those who retired/died between 1.1.2006 and 30.8.2008.

Financial up-gradation under MACP in the case of staff who join another unit/organization on request: 

It was agreed at the last meeting that the services rendered in another recruiting unit/organization will be taken into account for counting service for promotion under MACP. The Staff Side however, pointed out that in many cases, the employees are compelled to seek reversion in order to be transferred to another recruiting unit. In their case, the promotion so earned at the present recruiting unit and which have been foregone is being counted as one promotion under MACP. The Official Side agreed to look into this matter and issue necessary clarificatory orders.

Stepping up of pay of senior incumbent with the junior as a consequence of ACP/MACP: 

The Official Side stated that in the light of the judgments delivered in the matter they will have the case looked into and necessary instructions issued. They also stated that certain instructions in the matter has already been issued, copy of which will be made available to the Staff Side.

The bench mark question for promotion under MACP: 

The Official Side agreed to issue a clarificatory order stating that if the promotion is on seniority cum fitness basis, MACP will also be on seniority cum fitness basis.

There had been no discussions on other points incorporated in the report. The stand taken by the Official side in those matters remains unchanged. You may kindly access the report from the website of the Department of Personnel along with the relevant orders.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


As proposed, the meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 17th July, 2012. The gist of the discussions as informed by the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers is placed as under-

                The 4th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held on 5th January, 2012.  All the items could not be discussed on that day.  The meeting was postponed and the same was held today on 17th July, 2012.  The gist of discussions and decisions are given hereunder. 
Item No.1. Pay band of the merged pay scales: The demand to reconstruct the pay band in respect of merged pay scales (S8 to S10) by multiplying the minimum of the highest pay scales (6500-10,500) with 1.86 by virtue of which the pay band will commence with Rs. 12100 instead of 9300 is not agreed and as per the scheme disagreement has been recorded.
Item No.2. Extending the date for exercise of option:  Extending the date for exercise of option to come to the new pay scale as also to the next increment date on promotion was discussed at length.  While the official side will agree to reopen the promotional cases where such change of option becomes necessary on account of an unforeseen event, the question of extending the date in general will have to be examined.  The case of necessity to change the option once exercised in view of the recent order on increment was raised by the Staff Side. The Official side agreed to issue a clarificatory order. 
Item No. 3. Special allowance and qualification pay: Order has been issued in respect of Auditors. In respect of SAS passed hands necessary orders will be issued shortly.
Item No.4. Fixation of pay of Promotees at the level of entry  pay of Direct recruitees: The official side agreed to consider grant of entry pay in all such cases, wherever the RR provides for direct recruitment. 
Item No.5. Date of next increment:  Orders have already been issued. Item is treated as settled.
Item No. 6. Grant of minimum pay of Rs. 5200 +1800 to temporary status employees:  Orders issued.
Item No. 7. Grant of revised allowance with effect from 1.1.2006:  The item has been withdrawn after discussion.
Item No. 8. Transport allowance:  The revision of transport allowance was not agreed upon.  However, taking a percentage of the TA representing the CCA submerged for the purpose of OTA and grant of a portion of the TA in respect of persons on tour for more than one month at a stretch will be considered.
Item No. 9.  Doubling the Existing risk and patient care allowance:  The matter has been submitted to the Cabinet for its approval and orders are likely to be issued shortly. The Staff side raised the issue of doubling the daily allowance on tour. The Official side agreed to examine this matter also.
Item No. 10. Parity in Pension to pre 2006 retirees:  The matter is sub-judice. Therefore it could not be discussed.
Item No.11. Commutation of pension: The difference in the application of commutation table between the pre-2008 and post 2008 retirees was discussed.  It has been agreed that the difference would be quantified with reference to certain cases as an example.  If it has no huge financial implication on the post 2008 retirees, the Govt. may consider the acceptance of the demand of the Staff.
Restoration of commuted value of pension after 12 years instead of 15years would be considered in the light of the Supreme Court judgement of 1996, a copy of which would be made available to the Staff Side.
Item No.12. Grant of Rs.  5400/- to the Assistant Accounts and Audit Officers: To be discussed with the JS(per)/JS(E) separately. The date of the meeting will be fixed soon.
Item No.13. Revision base index for DA: The Staff Side will be provided with the computation made by the 6th CPC in the matter and on the basis of the same the issue will be discussed further.
Item No.14. Child Care leave: Orders issued. Item treated as settled.
Item No.15. Income criterion for dependency of parents:  The item is dropped after discussion.
Item No. 16. Revision of Grade Pay fixation: After discussion, the item has been dropped.
Item No. 17. Reconstruction of Pay bands: dropped.
Item No. 18. Fixation of pay on promotion to the post carrying same grade pay and PB:  Agreed to grant one increment to the holders of post with higher pre-revised pay scale.
Item No. 19. All MACP items: will be discussed further in the subcommittee on 27th July, 2012.
Item No.20. Anomaly in the grade pay of Library information Assistants: The official side will consider the  issue in consultation with the Ministry of Culture and take appropriate decision before the next meeting.
Item No.21. Anomaly in pension of those in receipt of stagnation increments in the pre revised scales of pay: The inclusion of stagnation increment for the purpose of fixation of pay in respect of the persons retired between 2006 and 2008, if not done, will be examined and suitable orders issued.
Item No.22. Anomaly in the pay scales of Stenographers of field offices with reference to Central Secretariat:  It was pointed out that Senior PS in the field offices were on identical pay scale of PPS  of the Central Secretariat and therefore, they must be granted grade pay of Rs. 5400 in PB3.   They have agreed to grant Grade pay of Rs. 5400 in PB.2 applicable to the field offices if not already done.  In respect of parity with Central Sectt, the proposal of Railway Board will be expeditiously examined by the Finance Ministry and suitable orders issued.
Item No.23.Date of Annual increment in EOL cases: Orders were issued earlier and the matter is treated as settled. The Staff Side raised the issue of denial of encashment of earned leave and half pay leave for industrial employees.  The official side agreed to issue clarificatory orders in the matter.
Item No. 24. Parity of PB and Grade pay for Official language personnel with the Central Sectt:  The official side said that orders have already been issued.  Wherever, the same is not implemented or different decision taken, the same may be brought to the notice of the Department of Expenditure for appropriate decision.  The proposal sent by the Railway Board will be considered separately.