Saturday, June 11, 2011


35th Meeting of the Departmental Council (JCM) of MOWR was held on 09-06-2011 in the chairmanship of Secretary, MOWR. The following is the outcome of discussion of the points related to items of Association of Junior Engineers -


1. Demand to revise the quantum of Investigation Allowance according to CPC recommendations.
It was told that as Ministry of Finance has rejected the proposal on the ground that the Investigation Allowance was not considered by the sixth CPC it will not be possible to process the case further. However CWC will submit the proposal for alternate allowance to compassionate the employees who were engaged in the investigation work.

2. Abolition of Junior Engineers posts in Central Water Commission adversely affecting the field setup.
For filling 210 vacancies of the Junior Engineers, Staff Selection Commission has conducted the exam on 1st May 2011. Selection of the candidates is under process. For revival of the 79 posts, which had gone under deemed abolition, the proposal has been submitted to MOWR. It has been told that the proposal will be submitted to IFD of MOWR within two weeks.

3. Demand to provide medical attendance Scheme for the GOI officials posted at Joint Project Office Sapt Kosi Sun Kosi Investigation, Nepal.
It was reported that the clarification has already been taken from the Ministry of Health. It has been reiterated that medical reimbursement claims of Indian Personnel of JPO-SKSKI, Nepal and their family members may be regulated as per the provision contained in MOWR dated 1st July 2003. Hence it is decided to drop this item.

4. Demand to fill up the promotional posts of Junior Time Scale in Central Water Commission for 2008-09 & 2009-10.
Order for filling of the vacancies related to 2008-09 and 2009-10 has already been issued. Proposal for filling up of the promotional vacancies caused in AEE/AD posts for the year 2010-11 & 2011-12 has been submitted to MOWR. MOWR will process the case further. As the convening of the DPC is an ongoing process, it is decided to drop this item.

5. Demand to amend the promotion hierarchy of Group ‘B’ Engineering cadre directly into Senior Time Scale like system followed in CPWD.
Secretary, MOWR directed CWC to submit the proposal within three months in consultation with staff side.

6. Time frame to settle the pension payment and other retirement dues of the field staff.
Staff side was unhappy in respect of delay in the pension related payments to the retiring staffs. After detailed discussion Secretary, MOWR directed all the Departments to submit the list of the employees to be retired within next six months so that the cases can be processed in advance. Controller of Accounts promised that if required, he will depute a team from the concerned PAO for speedy submission.

7. Demand to maintain GPF account on Web Site and to take appropriate action on missing credits.
It was reported by the Controller of Accounts, MOWR that all the missing credits will be mentioned in the GPF slips which will be issued by the 31st July 2011. In respect of putting the GPF account on Website he informed that the matter has already been taken up with the Controller General of Accounts.

8. Demand to enhance the allowance to the CWC employees serving at Bhutan/Nepal at par with the Staff serving in External Affairs Ministry.
Proposal for the revision of Pay Scale and allowances to the CWC staff working at Bhutan at par with other officials posted at Bhutan has been accepted by the MOWR. Secretary, MOWR told that our employees should also get the same emoluments which are being paid to the employees of other organizations. He directed CWC to submit the proposal so that the matter can be taken up with the MOF and MEA.


1. Demand to implement MACP Scheme to the erstwhile Design Assistants and present AD-II/ SDE in CWC.
Regarding the matter DOP&T has given the consent but advised to confirm from the MOF. Hence the file has been submitted to the MOF. Decision of the Ministry of Finance is awaited. Secretary, MOWR directed the concerned officers to pursue the case.

Friday, June 10, 2011


As we earlier informed that Sub Committee & Standing Committee meetings of the 35th Meeting of the Departmental Council of MOWR (JCM) were held on 29-04-2011 in the chairmanship of the Joint Secretary (A), MOWR. Minutes of meeting have been issued by the MOWR. Agenda items pertaining to Association of Junior Engineers are placed below-


Demand to revise the quantum of Investigation Allowance according to CPC recommendations.
After discussion it was decided that CWC should examine the case in consultation with Staff Side and, if necessary, refer the case to the Ministry for further necessary action.

Abolition of Junior Engineers posts in Central Water Commission adversely affecting the field setup.
After discussion it was decided that CWC’s proposal will be reexamined and taken up further with the Ministry of Finance.

Demand to provide medical attendance Scheme for the GOI officials posted at Joint Project Office Sapt Kosi Sun Kosi Investigation, Nepal.
After discussion it was decided to drop this item.

Demand to fill up the promotional posts of Junior Time Scale in Central Water Commission for 2006-2007 and 2007-2008.
It was informed that DPC proposals for 2010-2011 & 2011-2012 have already been formulated by CWC and sent to the Ministry recently. After examination and checking up for receipt of supporting documents, proposal would be sent to UPSC shortly. Since convening of DPCs etc. are an ongoing process, it was proposed to drop this item.

Demand to amend the promotion hierarchy of Group `B' Engineering cadre directly into "Senior Time Scale" like the system followed in CPWD.
It was decided that Staff Side would give necessary proposal to CWC who would then examine and take further necessary action.

Time frame to settle the pension payment and other retirement dues of the field staff.
The Staff Side had given a list of pending cases and it was decided that the same will be verified and remedial action will be taken immediately. It was decided that annual retirement cases list will be prepared in advance. It was also decided that a team will be sent to Field Offices of CWC where maximum number of cases are pending and CWC will take up the matter with the PAO on the issue. If necessary, another group meeting should be convened to review the position.

(Action: PAO, E.I, MoWR)

Demand to maintain GPF account on Web site and to take appropriate action on missing credits.
After discussions, it was decided that the GPF Statement would be given on 31st July of the year to all officials. To address the Staff Side concerns regarding details of missing credits, JS (A) directed Controller of Accounts for giving information viz, no credit is missing for any month or details of missed credit for various months, as the case may be, in the GPF Statement. Staff side insisted to place the accounts through Website with the help of NIC. Copies of the GPF Accounts of the State Government employees through NIC were handed over to Comptroller of Accounts.

(Action: PAO)

Revival of promotional scientific posts put under deemed abolition status & Restoration of operational Posts.
Staff side pointed out that there was no SIU study proposal as mentioned. After discussions, it was decided that CWC would resubmit the proposal to the Ministry.

(Action: CWC)

Demand to enhance the allowance to the CWC employees serving at Bhutan /Nepal at par with Staff serving in the External Affairs Ministry.
After discussions, it was decided that the matter would be considered by CWC and CWC would sent appropriate proposal for taking up with Nodal Departments.


Demand to implement MACP Scheme to the erstwhile Design Assistants and present AD-II/ SDE in CWC.
Regarding the matter DOP&T has given the consent but advised to confirm from the MOF. Hence the file has been submitted to the MOF. Decision of the Ministry of Finance is awaited.

Demand to implement MACP Scheme to promotee Asst. Executive Engineer / Assistant Directors in Central Water Commission.
The item is not to be admitted. However, it was decided that matter regarding administrative action may be pursued.

Demand to change the crucial date for determining eligibility as 1st April instead of 1st January in Central Water Commission.
Since this is a policy matter pertaining to DOP&T, after discussion, it was decided not to admit this item.

Demand to implement MACP Scheme to the erstwhile Design Assistants and present AD-II/ SDE in CWC.
It was noted that the matter has already been taken up with the D/O Expenditure and decision in this regard is pending. It was decided to admit this item for discussion in the main meeting.

Demand to with draw the Departmental Test Conducted by CWC at AD II / SDE and AD/AEE level.
After discussion it was decided to transfer this item to Office Council.

Classification of post as per DOP&T OM No.1101217/2008-Estt. (A) 17th April, 2009.
In accordance with the DOPT OM No.1101217/2008-Estt. (A) 17th April, 2009 the post of Junior Engineer based on the revised norms of pay has been reclassified as Group ‘B’ w.e.f. 9th April 2009.


29th Meeting of the office council of Central Water Commission was held on 26th April 2011 in the chairmanship of Chairman, Central Water Commission. Minutes of the same has been issued. Items related to Association of Junior Engineers are placed hereunder-

Demand to set up Screening Committee and implement modified ACP Scheme to eligible JEs/ SDE/AD as per DOP&T Office Memorandum
It was decided to drop the item in view of the progress reported in the actions taken.

Demand to fill up vacancies of SDE/AD-II by promoting JEs
It was decided to drop the item in view of the progress reported in the action taken. Leader, Staff Side thanked the Chair for advance DPC proceedings and implementation.

Demand to follow guidelines of DOP&T provided in Transfer Policy while transferring JEs/AEs on completion of their tenure under NE Region
It was decided to drop the item in view of the position .explained by CWC Administration that the guidelines in the transfer policy are being followed while posting AEs and JEs to other offices after their completion of tenure in NE Region.

Demand to avoid food bills in TA Bill of the field staff visiting field offices
It was decided that a decision on this demand be taken expeditiously (say within a month)
[Action: Secretary/Dir (RMCD)/ Accounts Officer]

Enhancing financial power to JEs to meet expenditure at sites/offices
The meeting was informed that the proposal to delegate enhanced power to JEs to incur expenditure towards petty purchases is being sent to MoWR.
[Action: Secretary/ O&M/ Accounts Officer]

Distribution of staff strength of Group 'B' & 'C' Technical and Non- Technical under Field Offices
CWC Administration informed the meeting that the proposal of RMCD for re‑
distribution of the staff strength of Group 'B' and Group 'C', Technical and Non-technical Cadres in the field offices needs to be examined in detail. RMCD should make a formal reference to CWC Administration on the proposal for the purpose of its implementation to the extent merited/feasible.
[Action-Director (RMCD)/Secretary/Dir (A)/Dir (E-I)/Dir (E-II)]

Demand to recruit JEs through Staff Selection Commission and consider the request of existing JEs for inter-regional transfer prior to recruitment
The item was dropped in view of the progress of action taken as reported in the agenda notes.

Review of Confidential Reports
The item was dropped in view of the progress of action taken as reported in the agenda notes. It was however decided that all APAR forms Cadre wise should be put on CWC's website in PDF format.
[Action: Secretary/Dir (E-II)]

Providing authenticate duplicate copy of service book to the employees who have completed 25 years of service
It was decided in view of the observation made by the Leader, Staff Side in the meeting that the instructions are not; being fully followed, to issue another circular/reminder on the subject to Chief Engineers in field offices.                                                                        
[Action: Director(A)/ Estt-VIII]